Hugh Chatham Memorial Switches from Palm Vein to Iris Recognition Biometric Patient Identification
Submit your contact information to receive a free case study on the use of our RightPatient® biometric patient identification solution to increase patient safety and improve data integrity in healthcare at Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospital in Elkin, NC. Initially deploying palm vein biometrics for patient ID, Hugh Chatham officials quickly realized it's limitations to prevent fraud and duplicate medical records in real-time so they made the switch to RightPatient® using iris recognition. Iris recognition proved to be a more effective and hygienic patient identification solution and offered distinct advantages over palm vein. Download the case study to learn more about how Hugh Chatham deployed RightPatient® across their electronic health record (EHR) system and EMPI, and the results they have experienced including increases to patient safety and reductions in medical identity theft and healthcare fraud.