RightPatient Blog: Cloud-Based Biometric Patient Identification for Healthcare Patient Safety
Duplicate Medical Records Impact Patient Safety in Hospitals
Ensuring patient safety is one of the top priorities for any…
April 19, 2020
by Matt Gibson
Employees Can Compromise Medical Records – How Can Hospitals Protect Patient Data?
As harsh as it may sound, employees getting fired for accessing…
April 16, 2020
by Matt Gibson
Hospitals Can Improve Revenue Cycle With Positive Patient Identification
The importance of digitization in healthcare delivery is becoming…
April 13, 2020
by Matt Gibson
Helping the Frontline Fight Against COVID-19
As we all come to grips with a new normal during this war with…
April 1, 2020
by Michael Trader
Hospital data breach results in an expensive lawsuit – Is yours next?
Hospital data breaches have been rampant for quite some years…
March 19, 2020
by Matt Gibson
How RightPatient Benefits Medical Identity Theft and the Healthcare Red Flags Rule
It’s no secret that medical identity theft is on the rise.…
March 14, 2020
by Michael Trader
Why The Coronavirus Makes Patient Identification More Critical Than Ever
In case you’ve been sleeping under a rock somewhere, the COVID-19…
March 11, 2020
by Michael Trader
Proper Patient Identification Can Help Fight the Opioid Crisis
The opioid crisis has been a menace since it started. It spread…
February 14, 2020
by Matt Gibson
How Do Progressive Hospitals Prevent Medical Identity Theft?
There are many things we need to be concerned about to avoid…
February 12, 2020
by Matt Gibson
Medical Identity Theft Prevention Enhances Patient Trust
What is one of the crucial things a company needs to ensure so…
February 10, 2020
by Matt Gibson
Wrong Patient Identification Causes Kidney Transplant Fiasco at a Hospital
Another day, another wrong patient identification. It just goes…
February 6, 2020
by Matt Gibson
Can Revenue Cycle Improvement Prevent Hospital Closures?
So many hospitals are closing their doors that it is hard to…
January 2, 2020
by Matt Gibson
2583 hospitals hit with penalties due to readmission reduction program
Medicare hit 2583 health systems with penalties by cutting payments…
October 24, 2019
by Matt Gibson
Another industry expert in favor of an effective patient identifier
It has been a long, continuous, and never-ending fight for the…
October 23, 2019
by Matt Gibson
Why should the Senate choose biometrics as a unique patient identifier?
Unique patient identifiers have been talked about several times,…
October 2, 2019
by Matt Gibson
Why a Unique Patient Identifier is so important in the healthcare industry?
Not a day goes by when we do not hear of patient identification…
September 12, 2019
by Matt Gibson
Seven strategies ACOs use for better patient outcomes and lower costs
According to recent studies, it is expected that Medicare’s…
August 22, 2019
by Matt Gibson
Strategies which help ACOs to improve patient outcomes
The individual entities in any Accountable Care Organization…
August 20, 2019
by Matt Gibson
Unique identifiers will lead to a reduction of patient matching challenges
If you are a follower of this blog, then you will know how huge…
August 18, 2019
by Matt Gibson
Physician Burnout is a Multi-billion Dollar Problem – How Are You Solving it?
Well, the cat's out of the bag now. EHR (electronic health record)…
August 16, 2019
by Matt Gibson
Unique patient identifier is what everyone is demanding for patient safety
Patient identification errors are nothing new - everyone in the…
August 14, 2019
by Matt Gibson
Patient identification errors are the most common EHR generated issues
According to a recent survey, patient identification errors are…
August 12, 2019
by Matt Gibson
Patient experience in healthcare is vital for both hospitals and patients
Patients are customers of the healthcare industry, and like conventional…
August 10, 2019
by Matt Gibson
What are health systems doing to improve the patient experience?
Unsurprisingly, there is a lot of competition present in the…
August 8, 2019
by Matt Gibson
Another one added to the endless list of patient misidentification stories
Another day, another one added to the endless patient misidentification…
August 6, 2019
by Matt Gibson
Importance of patient identification and EHRs – What you need to know
When it was at its introductory stage, the official representatives…
August 4, 2019
by Matt Gibson
Healthcare’s most significant issue – Improving patient safety
Whenever medical records do not match with patients and are out…
August 2, 2019
by Matt Gibson
Patient safety issues occur due to patient misidentifications
When electronic health records (EHRs) were introduced, people…
July 31, 2019
by Matt Gibson
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