
RightPatient Blog: Cloud-Based Biometric Patient Identification for Healthcare Patient Safety


Duplicate Medical Records Impact Patient Safety in Hospitals

Ensuring patient safety is one of the top priorities for any…
April 19, 2020/by Matt Gibson

Employees Can Compromise Medical Records – How Can Hospitals Protect Patient Data?

As harsh as it may sound, employees getting fired for accessing…
April 16, 2020/by Matt Gibson

Hospitals Can Improve Revenue Cycle With Positive Patient Identification

The importance of digitization in healthcare delivery is becoming…
April 13, 2020/by Matt Gibson

Helping the Frontline Fight Against COVID-19

As we all come to grips with a new normal during this war with…
April 1, 2020/by Michael Trader

Hospital data breach results in an expensive lawsuit – Is yours next?

Hospital data breaches have been rampant for quite some years…
March 19, 2020/by Matt Gibson

How RightPatient Benefits Medical Identity Theft and the Healthcare Red Flags Rule

It’s no secret that medical identity theft is on the rise.…
March 14, 2020/by Michael Trader

Why The Coronavirus Makes Patient Identification More Critical Than Ever

In case you’ve been sleeping under a rock somewhere, the COVID-19…
March 11, 2020/by Michael Trader

Proper Patient Identification Can Help Fight the Opioid Crisis

The opioid crisis has been a menace since it started. It spread…
February 14, 2020/by Matt Gibson

How Do Progressive Hospitals Prevent Medical Identity Theft?

There are many things we need to be concerned about to avoid…
February 12, 2020/by Matt Gibson

Medical Identity Theft Prevention Enhances Patient Trust

What is one of the crucial things a company needs to ensure so…
February 10, 2020/by Matt Gibson

Wrong Patient Identification Causes Kidney Transplant Fiasco at a Hospital

Another day, another wrong patient identification. It just goes…
February 6, 2020/by Matt Gibson

Can Revenue Cycle Improvement Prevent Hospital Closures?

So many hospitals are closing their doors that it is hard to…
January 2, 2020/by Matt Gibson

2583 hospitals hit with penalties due to readmission reduction program

Medicare hit 2583 health systems with penalties by cutting payments…
October 24, 2019/by Matt Gibson

Another industry expert in favor of an effective patient identifier

It has been a long, continuous, and never-ending fight for the…
October 23, 2019/by Matt Gibson

Why should the Senate choose biometrics as a unique patient identifier?

Unique patient identifiers have been talked about several times,…
October 2, 2019/by Matt Gibson

Why a Unique Patient Identifier is so important in the healthcare industry?

Not a day goes by when we do not hear of patient identification…
September 12, 2019/by Matt Gibson

Seven strategies ACOs use for better patient outcomes and lower costs

According to recent studies, it is expected that Medicare’s…
August 22, 2019/by Matt Gibson

Strategies which help ACOs to improve patient outcomes

The individual entities in any Accountable Care Organization…
August 20, 2019/by Matt Gibson

Unique identifiers will lead to a reduction of patient matching challenges

If you are a follower of this blog, then you will know how huge…
August 18, 2019/by Matt Gibson

Physician Burnout is a Multi-billion Dollar Problem – How Are You Solving it?

Well, the cat's out of the bag now. EHR (electronic health record)…
August 16, 2019/by Matt Gibson

Unique patient identifier is what everyone is demanding for patient safety

Patient identification errors are nothing new - everyone in the…
August 14, 2019/by Matt Gibson

Patient identification errors are the most common EHR generated issues

According to a recent survey, patient identification errors are…
August 12, 2019/by Matt Gibson

Patient experience in healthcare is vital for both hospitals and patients

Patients are customers of the healthcare industry, and like conventional…
August 10, 2019/by Matt Gibson

What are health systems doing to improve the patient experience?

Unsurprisingly, there is a lot of competition present in the…
August 8, 2019/by Matt Gibson

Another one added to the endless list of patient misidentification stories

Another day, another one added to the endless patient misidentification…
August 6, 2019/by Matt Gibson

Importance of patient identification and EHRs – What you need to know

When it was at its introductory stage, the official representatives…
August 4, 2019/by Matt Gibson

Healthcare’s most significant issue – Improving patient safety

Whenever medical records do not match with patients and are out…
August 2, 2019/by Matt Gibson

Patient safety issues occur due to patient misidentifications

When electronic health records (EHRs) were introduced, people…
July 31, 2019/by Matt Gibson