nursing healthcare technology for patient safety

7 Important Technological Advancements for Nurses

nursing healthcare technology for patient safety

The following guest blog post was submitted by Jessica Kane.

Looking back over the past few years, many people would have never been able to understand how significantly technology would affect the way we work, live, and play. The healthcare industry has been one area that technology has helped. Patient care has been drastically improved by these advances, as have the nurses and doctors who use new measures. The job of a nurse today looks nothing like it did 10, 20 or even 30 years ago.

nursing healthcare technology for patient safety

Seven major technology enhancements have changed the nursing field.

RN’s and Nurse Practitioners have changed the way they administer patient care. They are able to increase their workflow all while limiting their human errors. In return, it makes their job safer, and it is also less challenging on their bodies. Over the years, there have been seven major enhancements that have changed the nursing field Today, these advancements are being used at top hospitals and health care facilities across the world. These practices have made nursing a better profession to be a part of.

1. Enhanced Communication

When nurses received pagers back in the 1980-1990s, they were able to increase patient care. Fast forward nearly 20 years and each nurse carries a cell phone with the ability to order a pizza and medicine all at the same time. Most hospitals have advanced healthcare software to enable communication between medical staff and patients. Using smartphones and apps, nurses can receive text messages and receive alarms from their patients through their phones. Forget those old-fashioned pagers. The entire nursing staff is more in touch with their patients and with each other. It’s efficiency at its finest and the nursing staff of today wouldn’t know how to do it any other way.

2. Electronic Records

Piles of endless paperwork consumed the nursing staff for decades. Physical paper charts and faxing medical records is pretty much a thing of the past. Hospitals and medical care centers have switched to electronic records. This allows everyone in the hospital to access the patient’s information with the touch of a button. A nurse can quickly see what medications the patient is taking and which ones they are allergic too. They can look up test results and see all sorts of other data. Doctors can put notes that the nurse needs to see about the patient’s needs. Even things like religious preference can be recorded. It’s one way that nurses are connecting with their patients without hours of paperwork.

It should be mentioned that several healthcare providers are enhancing EHR usability by ensuring accurate patient identification. They are doing do so by using solutions like RightPatient. Such a platform can help identify patients across the care continuum – ensuring patient data integrity and preventing duplicate medical records.

3. GPS tracking

Hospital efficiency has been increased through GPS tracking. Tagging and tracking medical equipment is much easier than it was before. Radio frequency identifications tags help nurses find the nearest blood pressure machine or another piece of equipment. It sounds like a simple matter, but being able to centrally monitor equipment has increased bed management and patient care incredibly.

4. Enhanced Diagnostic Devices

Most of the technological advancements are to help doctors, nurses, and the patients. Take for instance diagnostic exams. These can now be performed non-invasively. There are more options for nurses and doctors to choose from rather than the old-school tests and treatments. Not only does it improve the cost-effective nature of testing, but it also lowers the risks of infections. Handheld biosensors have the ability to detect all sorts of diseases. It just requires a small body specimen to give a definitive result. Another tool is ultrasound technology. When needing help placing an IV, an ultrasound machine can pinpoint the exact location to minimize patient distress.

5. Drug Delivery

Numerous hospitals have implemented drug delivery systems that come in an implantable device form. These devices release medication into the patients at the required times. An RN can schedule the dosing and make sure that their patient gets the medications they need, in the correct dosing, at the appropriate time. This reduces the chance of a patient error, potential lawsuits, and also allows the nurses to focus on other areas that need their attention.

6. Smarter Alarm Systems

Go in any hospital across the country and there will be the sound of beeps coming from the patients’ rooms. These beeps kept the nurses from running from room to room trying to see what was going on. However, many times these alarms were false or a machine was just beeping to be reset. It caused what is known as “alarm fatigue.” These beeping devices take the nurse’s attention away from important tasks for things that are not of a trivial matter.

In an effort to correct this problem, smart alarm technology is used to monitor vital signs for the nursing staff. All vitals run through one system. Checking blood pressure or pulse rates has never been so easy. This integrated system measures physiological indicators. If there is a real cause for alarm, the machine will let the nurse know. These alarm systems are more modernized and efficient.

7. Lifting Patients with Ease

According to the Veteran’s Administration, each year more than 2,400 nurses are injured by lifting their patients. Most of the injuries are debilitating and cause the nurse to lose work time and money. If the patient is of a larger size and the nurse smaller, it can be a real challenge to safely move them about. However, in 2008 things began to change. when the VA took notice of all their nursing injuries.

The VA spent over $200 million dollars to create a program that would come up with devices and training for nurses to be able to handle their patients in a safer manner. After much trial and error, new devices have come on the scene that allows nurses to use lifting technology that saves their backs. Now, many hospitals are using such technology in their patients’ rooms. According to a report from the VA, they saw a 40 percent drop in nursing injuries since they implemented this technology.

Technology is ever changing and constantly evolving into new and better methods that can make the life of a nurse easier. However, a nurse must stay up to date on these methods, as well as work in a center that is open minded and willing to invest in technological advances. By keeping up with the trends, a nurse who is well versed in these new technologies will maintain their creative edge and be eligible for career advancement.

Jessica Kane is a professional blogger who writes about technology and other gadgets and gizmos aplenty. She currently writes for Total Voice Tech, her go to for transcription equipment.

medical technologies

5 Must Have Technologies for a Successful Medical Practice

medical technologies

The following guest post was submitted by Aiden Spencer from CureMD.

Medical offices are notoriously behind the times when it comes to technology, despite the fact that patients are eager for them to embrace it. There are many reasons for this, not the least of which is the time, resources and finances needed to implement such changes. However research has shown that the impact of adopting new technologies, while disruptive in the short-term, will bring time-saving advantages to your practice that will soon outweigh any temporary drawbacks.

medical technologies

Which healthcare technologies are a “must have” to run a successful practice?

Many doctors express reluctance to commit the time needed to adopt and learn new technologies. Some have also voiced concern about losing one-on-one time with patients if they are forced to look at screens during their brief patient encounters. Their concerns may be valid temporarily as they learn how to use the new systems, but in the long term the wealth of benefits these new solutions present will offer time-saving advantages that are easily recognizable.

The abundance of technological options can be daunting at first, so investing in a company such as CureMD to help with practice management solutions may be the first step toward going digital. Consultants like these can lay out all the options and costs involved for your office, as well as implement staff training and smooth the transition to using new technology.

Electronic Health Records (EHR)

Contrary to what you may think, EHR ultimately allows office and professional staff to spend more one-on one time with patients, strengthening relationships and potentially bringing in more business. Eliminating the common front desk clutter, loose papers and racks upon racks of files makes for a more organized office, and one that is likely to be attractive to patients. Once someone’s record is electronic, it is easier to track and make changes to their information. Follow-up appointments, medication reminders and test results can all be emailed to the patient expediently. Less handling of papers leads to fewer errors and creates a digital trail when something is amiss. Office staff will spend fewer hours managing paperwork, freeing up time for better utilization of their skills. EHR allows doctors to access patient medical history going back for many years, and to easily review and integrate information from other providers into their systems.

Patient Portals and Online Scheduling

Research shows that patients are gravitating toward digitally-based practices which give them easy access to managing their health via a smart phone or laptop. Patient portals allow patients to see their medical history and test results, make appointments, request prescription refills and in some cases email doctors or medical staff for help or information. In turn, this may bring in more business as patients are more likely to choose doctors whose practices make their lives easier and limit time spent on the phone. Having access to their medical records can even help cut down on errors as patients are likely to point out any mistakes they see on their record.

Patient portals are also advantageous to physicians, who are better able to manage chronic conditions with online monitoring and communication. They can collaborate with other providers or make referrals and ultimately keep patients happier with more comprehensive management of their health.

Card Scanners

Going digital is made a whole lot easier by investing in a card scanner that takes copies of both sides of drivers’ licenses and insurance cards in one pass to add to the medical record. Card scanners are relatively inexpensive, compact and are powered via a USB connection to your office computer. Card scanners can not only save time but also cut down on errors or missing information.

Laptops or tablets for exam rooms

The benefits of laptops, PDAs or tablets for physicians are abundant. Offering portability foremost, they allow physicians instant access to the entire medical record of the patient they are treating. Over time, the medical record can be enhanced with information from other providers, along with lab and imaging results. An even more substantial medical benefit is that doctors can utilize the latest information on the internet for evidence-based guidelines to help shape their treatment decisions. They can also research less known diseases, which is especially useful in current medicine where scientific investigation has uncovered such a vast array of disorders, it’s not possible for every doctor to recognize all symptoms. It can thus make diagnosing and treating illnesses much easier. Doctors can also access telehealth information and data obtained from remote patient monitoring in order to keep tabs on their patients with more chronic illnesses.

Practice Management Systems (PMS)

Automating your practice using a top-notch management system provides many options that can eliminate the time-intensive administrative tasks of the past. Choosing the right PMS is key and includes not only medical billing software, but also a means to integrate clinical, financial and administrative operations to maximize productivity. Most PMS will include features such as:

• appointment scheduling and text or call reminders
• incorporating demographic information from ID cards correctly into the patient record
• verifying insurance and eligibility
• tracking patient financial responsibilities in order to collect copays
• generating administrative reports

It is important to understand the features and system requirements of PMS and recognize your specific practice needs in order to facilitate an easy transition. Additionally, you need to make sure that your software complies with federal mandates and is backed by solid customer support in the event questions or problems arise.

Author Bio: Aiden Spencer is a health IT researcher and writer at CureMD who focuses on various engaging and informative topics related to the health IT industry. He loves to research and write about topics such as Affordable Care Act, electronic health records, Medical Practice management and patient health data. You can get in touch with him on Twitter: @AidenSpencer15

disaster preparedness

The Role of Technology in Disaster Management – Some Public Safety Apps to Know About

disaster preparedness

The following is a guest post on disaster management submitted to RightPatient®

Irrespective of whether it is a bad incident of workplace violence or an earthquake or a riot, whenever there’s an emergency somewhere, the responders need to stay updated with the latest updates. Even before the arrival of the situation, they should be briefed and informed so that they can rely on the real-time updates and use the information to direct the common public to some of the safest possible places around. In order to achieve such tasks, there are many emergency response teams which depend on public safety technology including cloud storage solutions and disaster preparedness apps. But is this advancement of technology really changing the way of reacting to emergency situations?

disaster preparedness

Public safety technology is designed to keep responders informed and prepared.

What is the role of technology during an emergency situation?

The pivotal role of technology during a situation of disaster is to keep individuals in touch with each other so that they can work as a team and withstand the hardships. This can not only end up in saving many lives, but it is also transforming the process in which emergency management actually works. Whenever there is a disaster in some place, the very first thing to go is connectivity of network which makes people feel totally cut off from the entire world. Public safety technology is concerned with regaining such networks, allowing the rescuers to carry on with their mission of rescue and connect the survivors with the different communities. For instance, Nokia solutions for public safety ensure secure and reliable services of the relevant devices and applications in any emergency.

The usefulness of various public safety apps

One of the most common instances of technology being utilized in an emergency is the large number of safety and preparedness apps which are available to both responders and citizens. If you wish to prevent loss of lives during disasters, you need to be prepared to face it and hence apps like Preparis allow a business firm to devise an emergency plan through which they can save lives. Have a look at some of the top public safety apps that you should know of.

 H. Kiosk: Humanitarian Kiosk is an app which was introduced by the United Nations (UN) to offer instant and immediate information for the responders. This app provides you coverage against emergencies which happen throughout the world. The H.Kiosk application is categorized into several independent kiosks, each offering some set of information for those areas which are involved in several humanitarian threats and disasters.

 Preparis: Violence at workplaces is a major issue among business organizations. There are numerous businesses which get involved in smaller and bigger scuffles which might lead to an emergency anytime. This app is based on subscription and it strives hard to safeguard its employees from terrorism, natural disasters and various other workplace threats. It also allows the business to share and create plans for the crisis, live news feeds and other vital things.

 ubAlert: Nowadays global public safety doesn’t only depend on the trained staff who are there to cover emergencies but it also depends on the citizens who are striving hard to survive amidst a disaster. ubAlert is nothing but a social media network that allows each user to gain access to statistics, safety alerts images, maps and everything else which can be shared.

 American Red Cross Public Safety apps: Within the United States of America, whenever there’s some disaster, it is the American Red Cross that comes at the rescue first. This is a big organization that also offers a huge range of public safety apps, including one named Shelter Finder. This organization covers serious threats like hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes, floods and also gives first aid to the victims in a step-by-step systematic format. Through these apps, you can even receive warning alerts in case you live in a tornado or flood-prone area.

 Global emergency overview: As we see that disasters and conflicts are all over the news, it can become a herculean task to keep up with the safety issues of the public. With the help of The Global Overview, you can offer a snapshot of what is going to happen every week, giving the users and the residents of a particular place a summary of the crises that they might face.

Technological advancement tools like mobile apps, cloud storage, and public safety have emerged of great benefit for the public. Although all such measures are already taken, perhaps the greatest use occurs after the disaster. Nevertheless, you can definitely be careful and prepared to face the challenges of any catastrophe.

thought leadership opportunities on patient identification in healthcare

Guest Blogging Opportunities

thought leadership opportunities on patient identification in healthcare

Part of any successful blog campaign is the ability to secure quality, third party guest bloggers to contribute their knowledge and wisdom on applicable topics. At RightPatient®, we are committed to educating our community through our blog content which covers the following topics:

— Biometrics for patient identification 
— Increasing patient safety in healthcare
— Impact of accurate patient identification on revenue cycle management (RCM)
— New biometric identification trends and topics
— Infection control
— Patient data integrity
— Health Information Management (HIM)
— Duplicate medical records and overlays in healthcare
— Healthcare fraud and medical identity theft

thought leadership opportunities on patient identification in healthcare

Interested in demonstrating your thought leadership on a topic related to patient identification in healthcare.

Some of our recent guest blog contributions include:

5 Big Indicators You Should Replace Your Revenue Cycle Management Solution
Infographic: Understanding and Preventing Hospital Acquired Infections

We consistently seek bright minds to contribute a guest post that covers any of these topics and continue our mission of educating our community and securing more attention to the critical and complicated topic of achieving 100% patient identification accuracy in healthcare

Interested in contributing a guest post on a topic related to patient ID in healthcare? Please drop us an email at: and tell us your idea. We would enjoy the opportunity to work with you on publishing your content to demonstrate your thought leadership and expertise! We are happy to provide you with proper credit and a backlink to your Website. Please include a suggested image for the post and your byline in the draft.

Please note that guest bloggers are limited to one post every three months. Each submission must include:

  1. Original content (and creativity!)
  2. A licensed image to go with the post
  3. The author’s byline

We look forward to the opportunity to work with you on publishing your content to demonstrate your thought leadership and expertise! We are happy to provide you with proper credit and a backlink to your Website. (up to three backlinks are permitted, including the author’s byline).

old people

Latest Innovations in Technology and Data Tools in Life Sciences

old people

The following guest post on data tools in life sciences was submitted by Daniel Lewis.

Elderly people have more and more trouble adjusting to the pace the world is changing. Even though it can be hard for our older demographic, it feels good when we can tell them that that same world that’s changing so fast, is changing for them as well. Today, there are many devices and apparatus that can contribute to something we call “aging-in-place.” What it means is that our oldest family members can spend their time at home for as long as they are medically capable. We’re here to take a look at some of the advancements made in the past couple of years when it comes to innovations in senior care technology and how we use them to make our eldest feel better and live more comfortable and care-free lifestyles.

old peopleBeClose

BeClose is an innovative online system that allows us to track our elderly’s daily house routine. Wireless sensors are put throughout the house to assure us that they are using the living spaces they are supposed to, be it because of their heart or feet, it’s important to take notice where they went, so that we can take better care of them. The sensors alert you via E-mail, phone or SMS if there are any disruptions.


Fitbit is a handy little gadget for our elderly (and even for us). It tracks how many steps we took at any moment, and it even detects stairs. Other than that it tracks calories, activity level, sleep quality and more. It’s a great way to keep tabs on our elect’s walks and grocery runs so that they don’t overdo it. As we’ve stated, this one is handy for everyone.

TV Ears

TV Ears is a tool that’s meant to help seniors hear the TV better. It looks like a pair of light-weight headphones, but in reality, it helps them during family sittings so that they can turn the volume to their desired effect while everyone else can set it to normal hearing volume. It’s easy to set up under the chin and it goes a long way in helping our elderly feel comfortable in family sitting but also hear everything like everyone else.

old people 2Telikin

Telikin is for the seniors who would like to go a step further and use a PC, but can’t quite get there. It’s a family computer designed with ease of use in mind, offering features such as picture albums, video chat, e-mail and other popular features that our elderly would like to have. It comes equipped with a touchscreen screen device so it’s easy for our seniors to get used to using it and passing some time.


TabSafe is a device that allows us to control the medicine administration to our elderly. The unit is capable of reminding of medicine, dispensing it when the time is right, alert about inventory information and other utility info and is accessible via an internet device. A patented design allows pharmacies to equip the unit with more medicine, and the access is impossible without a log-in. Placing it in a central part of the living area is a sure way for our senior to never lose sight of it and be sure to properly take medication when the unit dispenses it.
Technology is advancing at a really fast pace these days, and we’re not just referring to recreational gadgets and smart devices. Advances in the medical field, particularly in senior care, are currently helping caregivers provide better help for patients. From heart-monitoring devices to monitoring gizmos, there’s no doubt that families can look after their loved ones even from a distance.

old people 3As you can see, the 21st century has made it easier than ever for our seniors to spend time with their families instead of homes. With a few handy gadgets everyone can feel happy and satisfied knowing that their oldest relatives are close by and adapted to every need. Elder care is though, and given that most seniors want to live on their own for as long as possible, it is recommended for their kids to find a way and look after them anyhow. Technology is here to help, and out of a wide variety currently available, it’s very important to choose the ones that provide the best care for your aging parent.

By Daniel Lewis and!

update revenue cycle management

5 Big Indicators You Should Replace Your Revenue Cycle Management Solution

update revenue cycle management

The following guest post was submitted by Eugenia Lin.

If you saw a friend using a computer still running on Windows XP, your immediate reaction would be to ask why they haven’t updated to a newer operating system. XP is now 15 years old and Microsoft no longer provides technical support or security updates for it. Unless they really enjoy playing Solitaire and putting their data at risk, then there’s no excuse for having outdated software. The same reasoning applies to your revenue cycle management (RCM) system. Having an updated RCM solution will not only empower your staff, but also benefit your financial bottom line. Here are a few indicators that your RCM software needs updating:

update revenue cycle management

What are some obvious signs that you need to upgrade your revenue cycle management (RCM) system?

1. Lack of business intelligence (BI) reporting and analytics
BI reporting is an incredibly powerful tool that allows one to obtain insights and identify trends on both a macro and micro level. For example, through macro level reporting a practice’s overall profitability can be reviewed. Then through the same interface, the data can be segmented further down to the profitability of all offered procedures. Easily accessing such information in a self-service manner not only shortens the decision making process but also excludes the need for outside consulting parties.

2. Unable to manage a growing or a multi-clinic practice
If your RCM system isn’t scalable or doesn’t offer customization for medical specialties, then it is time to look for another solution. There are systems available that are able to manage a solo provider, a multi-clinic practice, and anything in between. The benefit of this, is that a business manager can oversee and administer at any level easily.

3. Fails to manage and facilitate the entire claims process
It is essential that your RCM system be capable of managing the claims process from start to finish. Starting with claims from scrubbing to prevent coding errors and typos, as human error is one of the most common causes for payment denial. Your RCM system should also provide snapshot reporting, allowing you to monitor outstanding claims and categorizing them by where in the process they are. It should also provide alerts on claims that need following up on, so that none fall through the cracks.

how can you improve revenue cycle management?

4. Doesn’t fit into current workflow
Another clue that your RCM solution needs replacing is when it’s impeding your practice’s efficiency. Current RCM systems contain tools and features that improve workflow and staff productivity. RCMs can instantly verify insurance eligibility directly through the user interface, allowing your staff to focus on other tasks and avoid wasting time navigating through an insurance provider’s automated phone system. They can also easily manage payment reminders and follow-ups through automated texts or emails.

5. Doesn’t provide important features or cannot integrate with other systems
Having an RCM system able to seamlessly cooperate with your practice’s other system can be greatly beneficial. For instance, when integrated with an EHR system, the claims process becomes even more automated and less prone to errors. As forms can be auto filled with data from a patient’s file, versus a staff member having to manually fill the forms while referring to a paper chart or a separate note taking system.

Eugenia Lin avidly enjoys writing about a variety of topics and currently writes on behalf of the revenue cycle management experts at OmniMD. When not writing, she can be found spoiling her pet, Yeti, with treats or trying to be active outside on those typical Seattle rainy days. You can find her at LinkedIn.

hospital acquired infections can be caused by biometric patient identification devices that require physical contact

Infographic: Understanding and Preventing Hospital Acquired Infections

hospital acquired infections can be caused by biometric patient identification devices that require physical contact

The following guest post and Hospital Acquired Infection Infographic was submitted by David Smith from UK based Cleaning Services Group.

Hospitals and healthcare facilities are intended to improve our health and, for the most part, they fulfil that function. However, some of these can pose unwanted health risks to patients in the form of hospital acquired infections (HAIs), namely those diseases such as pneumonia which can be contracted in healthcare settings if medical professionals fail to take the necessary care with patients.

The below infographic from Cleaning Services Group identifies the most common HAIs, outlining what they are, how they can be contracted and, crucially, what can be done to prevent these infections. Pneumonia and surgical site infections account for more than 43% of HAIs between them, a staggering figure which may shock and worry you.

The risks of contracting a HAI can vary depending on the physical condition of the patient and the nature of the healthcare facility. An elderly patient undergoing a long-term stay in a hospital with substandard hand hygiene practices is at far greater risk than a robust young adult staying at a hospital where safety standards are consistently met. Learn more about HAIs and what you can do to minimize the risk of you or a loved one becoming infected.

hospital acquired infections can be caused by biometric patient identification devices that require physical contact