Entries by Guest

How Patient Data Integrity Can Improve Public Health

In healthcare, data plays a crucial role in painting a picture of the overall health of the nation. This is how reports about different health ailments and their frequency can be created and disseminated to the world.  As one can imagine, this data is immensely important and is likely to be attacked. Without an understanding […]

Ensuring Patient Health During and After Hospitalization

According to WHO, annually there are about 421 million hospitalizations. The adverse events count is around 42.7 million. Based on conservative estimates, the 14th leading cause of morbidity and mortality is patient harm. It naturally flows that there is widespread concern about patient health and safety during and after hospitalization.  The chance of a patient […]

Nurse Practitioners: Empowering Healthcare through Advanced Practice and Compassionate Care

Nurse practitioners play a pivotal role in American healthcare. Serving in many states as replacements for everything from general practitioners to psychologists, they have a broad range of talents and qualifications that allow them to make an enormous impact on their patients’ lives. Of course, this is the American healthcare we are talking about. Nothing […]

Empowering Cost-Effective Healthcare through Telehealth Services for Patients

For years, the American healthcare system has struggled to provide citizens with equitable and affordable healthcare. While there have been some admirable initiatives to widen people’s access to healthcare by mitigating costs, none of them have successfully been able to put a significant dent in the problem.  Fortunately, new ways of providing healthcare have presented […]

How Technology Is Improving Pain Treatment 

Pain is a subjective and complex experience affecting millions of people all over the world. It not only affects an individual’s quality of life, but also hinders their daily activities. However, thanks to technological advancement, the area of pain treatment has witnessed huge improvements, providing innovative and new methods of managing and alleviating pain treatments. […]

How Healthcare IT Can Benefit Athletes

Athletes need to be in good health to excel in sports, but some neglect their health because visiting healthcare facilities for regular checkups eats into their training or rest time. Consequently, these athletes might ignore body pain and refuse to get it checked until it escalates and interferes with their performances. Fortunately, telehealth can avoid […]

The Vital Role of Industrial Technology in Advancing Healthcare

The healthcare sector has been experiencing a transformational journey, with groundbreaking innovations reshaping the way we approach medical treatments, patient care, and disease prevention. Among these innovations, industrial technology stands tall as a driving force that has revolutionized healthcare systems worldwide. From the development of advanced medical devices to the implementation of data-driven solutions, industrial […]

Broadening Horizons: Exploring Alternative Occupations for Nurses Beyond Direct Patient Care

The profession of nursing, while traditionally associated with direct patient care, offers a remarkable spectrum of alternative occupations. With their multifaceted skill set, nurses can find numerous doors open to them beyond the conventional setting. In this expansive piece, we will delve into various unconventional roles, highlighting the intriguing prospects that might prove both rewarding […]

The Future of Chiropractic Technology and Telemedicine: Trends and Predictions

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, telemedicine has become the go-to tool for many medical practitioners. This has also been the case for chiropractors, who have been integrating telehealth tools in their practice to provide remote consultations, at-home treatment plans, and much more. Experts are also continuously researching the newest technologies they can use. In this article, […]