CircleCare is a marketing and patient retention app that rewards patients when they make healthy choices
Patients earn Care Points in CircleCare for practicing healthy behaviors
Care Points can be redeemed for exciting rewards
Here are 4 different ways you can
earn Care Points
Be active and burn calories
Log your vitals regularly
Learn and share your experiences
Take your medicine regularly
Why it’s important?
Patient Retention
Studies show that Baby Boomers switch doctors at a rate of 35%. Coupled with the fact that boomers account for 2-3 times more healthcare spend than millennials, the financial risk of losing these patients is very high. Younger patients are also more tech savvy and will use various tools to shop from providers. Staying connected with patients increases loyalty to support your bottom line.
Patient Satisfaction
90% of patients will move to a different provider if they don’t have a satisfactory experience. In addition, HCAHPS scores make up 30% of the overall performance score for value-based purchasing. Improving the patient experience can lead to positive financial results.
Readmission Rates
Readmission rates cost hospitals $50.7 – $29.6 billion annually for Medicare patients and over $21 billion for non-Medicare patients. CircleCare helps patients to improve their health with features like medication reminders while enabling healthcare providers to provide ongoing support and education.
How do I start a patient engagement program?
If you would like to find out more about CircleCare patient retention app and how it can help to retain patients,
reduce readmission rates, and keep your brand connected, contact us now.